TCC South/FWISD Collegiate High School
Tarrant County College South / FWISD Collegiate High School received the 2018-2019 PTECH Planning Grant and the Two-Year Success Grant in 2019. Our School opened our doors in the 2019-2020 school year as a Pathways in Technology Early College High School. This program evolution enhances our current ECHS program by working with industry partners to offer work-based experiences at all grade levels, opportunities to earn industry certifications and academic degrees in the field of Renewable Energy. Please look at the attachments on this page for more information or call the school for further details.
- Mentor/induction program plans.
- Annual training or professional development plan with P-TECH/ICIA and IHE faculty
- Annual Training and Professional Development
- P TECH Overview
- STEMuli Training TBA - Due to the uncertainty associated with COVID-19, virtual training's will be planned and updated until further notice.
- P-TECH/ICIA Leadership Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Benchmark 2 - Target Population
- Written admission policy and enrollment application
- Written recruitment plan including a timeline of recruitment and enrollment events, and recruitment materials for distribution at feeder schools and other appropriate locations in the community.
- The written recruitment plan including the timeline of recruitment, enrollment events, and recruitment materials for distributions at feeder schools and other appropriate locations in the community will be updated as soon as guidance is provided from the district due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Recruitment Plan 2020 - 2021
- Brochures and marketing in Spanish, English, and/or other relevant languages. Materials and marketing materials will be updated.
- Written communication plan for targeting identified audiences, parents, community members, school board, higher education personnel, etc.
Benchmark 3 - Strategic Alliances
- Meeting agendas and minutes, with action items and decision logs.
- Final signed and executed MOU with industry partner/business (Campuses must submit their final signed MOU to TEA when initially applying for designation or are provisionally designated).
- Final signed and executed articulation agreement with IHE (Campuses must submit their final signed MOU to TEA when initially applying for designation or are provisionally designated).
- A list of strategic partners with each member’s organization, title, and role in providing work-based learning for students by grade level.
Benchmark 4 - Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
- Four Year Crosswalks By Pathway
- Master Schedule
- Curriculum Alignment Documents
- Testing Calendar and Schedule for TSI, ACT, SAT and other Assessments
- TSI Opportunities are available for students both virtually and in-person by appointment only due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- ACT Testing Schedule
- SAT Testing Schedule
- District Assessment Schedule
- Three Courses of Study
Benchmark 5 - Work-Based Learning
- Documentation of appropriate work-based learning experiences for students at all grade levels
- Current Dated Regional High Demand Occupation List
- Aggregate data describing student participation in work-based learning experiences as well as the percentage of students earning industry certification and credentials by type
- Samples of student artifacts such as writings, portfolios, presentations, or links to digital content
Benchmark 6 - Student Support
- Bridge program calendar and curricula
- 2020 Virtual Summer Bridge
- Virtual Summer Bridge Curricula
- Introductions to ECHS and PTECH
- FWISD Tools and Apps
- TSI Test Prep
- Introduction to PTECH Pathways
- TCC Technology and Communication
- Navigating My TCC
- TCC Pre-Assessment Activity
- 2020 TSI Plan
- Fort Worth Water SciTends
- Fort Water Summerbridge Tour and Safety
- Fort Worth Water Summerbridge Presentation
- It's Happening Here at Oncor
- Grow with your Community at Oncor
- Data Tracker Presentation
- Data Tracker
- SAM (Student Academic Manual)
- High School, Dual Credit, and AP Courses
- College Do's and Dont's
- Plagiarism 101
- Principal's Message
- Fun Activity
- Tutoring and other intervention/remediation program schedules
- Calendar of Family Outreach Events
- Schedule of regularly scheduled counseling/advisory events and records of completion for these support services